Ajamila The Power Of Mantra
A Story From The Bhagavata Purana
Om bogen
The story of Ajamila, as told in the Srimad Bhagavatam, is a profound tale of redemption that illustrates the power of devotion and the mercy of God, even in the most unlikely circumstances. Ajamila was born into a noble family, destined to live a life of virtue and righteousness. However, as he grew older, he strayed from his spiritual path. Seduced by worldly desires, he became attached to a woman of low social standing and indulged in a life of sin, abandoning his duties and the practices of dharma.
Despite his fall from grace, Ajamila's story takes a dramatic turn near the end of his life. As an old man, deeply immersed in the consequences of his actions, he found himself on his deathbed. At this moment, as he lay frail and suffering, the messengers of Yama, the god of death, came to claim his soul, ready to take him to the realm of the dead. In a state of fear and confusion, Ajamila called out the name of his beloved son, Narayana, in an attempt to summon him. Unbeknownst to him, Narayana was also another name for Lord Vishnu.
When Ajamila uttered the name "Narayana," it reverberated with divine power. The very name of Lord Vishnu had the ability to purify, and it invoked the presence of the Vishnu's messengers, the Vishnudutas. These messengers arrived, seeing the messengers of Yama and realizing that Ajamila, despite his sinful life, had uttered the holy name of God in his last moments. The Vishnudutas intervened, challenging Yama’s messengers, and asserting that Ajamila’s utterance of the sacred name of Narayana had absolved him of his sins and that he could not be taken to the realm of the dead.
As a result, the messengers of Yama were forced to retreat, and Ajamila was spared.