Inside Job
Treating Murderers and Sex Offenders. The Life of a Prison Psychologist.
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Treating Murderers and Sex Offenders. The Life of a Prison Psychologist.
And here I am. Totally alone in a cell with a convicted sex offender who is free to do what he wants. There is no officer. No handcuffs. No radio. Only the man across the desk and me. He looks more petrified than I do.
HMP Graymoor. One of the UK’s most notorious prisons. Home to nearly 800 murderers, rapists and child molesters.
Reporting for her first shift inside is Rebecca: twenty-two, newly graduated – and about to sit down with some of the country’s most dangerous criminals.
In this gripping, hard-hitting memoir, forensic psychologist Dr Rebecca Myers revisits her time in the ‘Hot Seat’ with Graymoor’s infamous inmates – who might not be as different to us as we think.
This is as close as we can get to knowing what really goes on inside the damaged minds behinds bars.
★★★★☆67 bedømmelser
★★★★☆67 bedømmelser
Anmeldelser skrives kun af personer, som har en aktiv bruger og som har bedømt bogen.
A superbly and sensitively written account by Dr Rebecca Myers of her work with offenders of heinous crimes in one of the UKs most notorious category A prisons. Whilst the subject matter is incredibly difficult to read, it is interesting especially to try and ascertain whether many offenders can indeed be rehabilitated into society without being a danger and the rate of success with men that many consider a lost cause. Definitely not easy subject matter , but certainly enlightening and it has been relayed in such a way as to preserve the identity of the offenders and the victims, so as to avoid being sensationalist, or mere entertainment, but mpreover to be educational and informative. #insidejob #drrebeccamyers
I’m not sure what I was expecting, perhaps a rose-tinted Cracker infused account, but this brutally open and honest foray into the SOTP will stay with me . Damaged children grow up . This was highly insightful and will take you to the chairs beside child killers and rapists to listen to their stories, motivations and lens . Dr Myers is self deprecating and incredibly likeable , giving a full , frank and thought provoking account. Not for the faint hearted -fully recommend .
Frightening insight into the world of the depraved. Few word and sentence repetitions but didn’t detract from the audio. Narrator did a great job considering the narrative.
I am sure the would have been very interesting to read. But the narrator is putting to sleep. Will get the read version instead
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