Couverture de livre pour A Better Way to Pray

A Better Way to Pray

Description du livre

A question men have always pondered about since the relationship between God and man began, is this..

“What is the best way to commune with God?”

How do we pray?

What do we say?

Most Christians pray severally, yet fail to see God’s Hand manifest in their lives.

Do we then conclude that probably God is so far away – beyond the reach of our prayers, and as such, there’s the need to intensify our cries?

Or could it be, ..could it just be, that we’re not asking right?

This book, searches the mind of the HolySpirit, through our Savior’s example, to know the best way to channel our requests to the Father.

To all those who’ve tirelessly waited on God for healing, provision, deliverance and miracles; join me on this journey, as we examine how best to reach out to the Living God.

The Holy Spirit – through Jesus, has shown us, that there’s indeed “A better way to pray!”