Couverture de livre pour Mizzi Mozzi And The Magiko Make-U-Betta Mexiklano Moon Seeds

Mizzi Mozzi And The Magiko Make-U-Betta Mexiklano Moon Seeds

Description du livre

In a magical garden, Mizzi Mozzi's precious flowers and fruits are threatened when her protective Vlenusian Varicorn Vlug-Blugs fall ill after consuming Queasy Puke-Pastilles dropped by the mischievous Kaka-Slime Kangaroo Katter-Maggots. With the help of her friends and the wise Sir-Duke Ated-Kluedup, Mizzi Mozzi ventures into the dangerous Slikerly-Likerly Labie-Maze to obtain Magiko Make-U-Betta Mexiklano Moon Seeds that will heal the Vlug-Blugs and restore order to her vibrant garden.
