Couverture de livre pour The Pillars of Zen

The Pillars of Zen

Description du livre

The Pillars of Zen: A Guide on the Zen Mind, Zen Practices, Meditation and Other Mindful Practices That will Help You Live a More Tranquil Life

Do you know how to stay calm when everything in your life is falling apart? When even the very little patience that is left in you is pushed to the limits?

In every struggle of an individual, there is always a certain path that will take that person to the right decision and destination. The practice of Zen can help you. Zen is a branch of Buddhism that focuses on mindfulness practice and teaches everyone how to incorporate peace and tranquility into their regular activities - being open, eager, and having a lack of preconceptions when studying and reading at an advanced level, just as a beginner would.

In this audiobook, you will learn about Zen and Zen practices that are perfect for beginners who want to achieve inner peace. You will learn how to achieve this inner peace through mindfulness and meditation.

Topics that will be covered are:

1. The History of Zen

2. The Right Practice of Zen Meditation

3. The Path to a Zen Mind

4. The Spirit of Inquiry

5. Shunryu Suzuki’s The Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

6. Incorporating Zen in Your Everyday Life

Your happiness depends not on how much money you have but on how peaceful you are on the inside.