Beskrivning av boken
Somewhere at the edge of reality and dreams, a man meets a woman. Both are young, innocent, in a way untouched by the world. What unfolds is a love story not so much written but painted with words and framed by music. Twenty individual pictures, moments from the lives of the lovers. Each leads to the last line that is always spoken by the woman in a whisper, the scene a pretext almost for that line to exist.
The story has a depth of feeling and tenderness typical of love, and is infused with an illusive mood. It all seems distant, dreamlike, and improbable. And may raise the question: Has it ever happened? In a sense, the answer is in the text. But perhaps that only takes us further into the unknown.
Music weaves with the text, deepens the mood and transfers the whole further into the world of fantasy and dreams. As if the music is filled with its own poeticness. Sometimes it makes up only the mysterious background. At other times it emphasises and accentuates the fragments of imagery. The music, the lyrics, the recitation and the voice itself unite in inconceivable intimacy and create the enchanted space which draws and charms and hypnotizes.