Add more users and save money
Share your account with someone you like and get a reduced monthly price per person.
Only view your books
Each family member has their own profile and their own personal list with "My Books".
Listen without interruption
Up to five family members can use the same BookBeat account on various devices without interrupting each other's listening or reading.
A personal
experience for all
You can add family members you'd like to share your account. Sign in to your account page and go to Profiles. As soon as you've added a profile, you'll be able to access it from all devices that are logged in to your BookBeat account. Jump back to the app, choose profile, and start creating your own book lists!
Common questions & answers
You can find answers to our most frequently asked questions here. If you can't find what you're looking for, head over to our complete FAQ page for more information.
How much does it cost to add a user?
Are there any commitments to additional users' profiles?
How many can listen at the same time?
How do I add a user to my account?
How much can each user listen and read?